
Some common topics I've helped people explore and on which I've helped them plan for success:

"I'm not sure but I feel like I'm stuck."

"I've got a huge job interview / presentation / hard conversation coming up and want to make sure I'm ready."

"I want to understand why I keep getting in my own way."

"I'm trying to figure out where I really want to be 10 years from now."

"I have a huge milestone at work and want to make sure I'm setting myself up for success."

"I got a performance review lower than I thought I'd get."

"I didn't get the promotion."

"I'm wondering if I should change jobs."

"I am struggling to work well with my [manager/skip level/direct report/peer]."

"I have a few offers; which one should I go for."

"I'm wondering if I'm in the right job function."

"I'm thinking of doing a startup."

"I'm thinking of going to big tech."

"I got a promotion.  Now what?"

"I'm stuck, drifting. I've lost my mojo."

"I'm thinking of a big change."

"I just got offered a huge opportunity."

"Everything is awesome but I want to take things to the next level."

"I'm thinking about the next phase of my life."

See examples of sessions we can do together

I'm so happy to offer coaching services to a small number of external clients. I'd love to get to know you and see if I can be helpful as a partner, coach, confidant, and facilitator. My clients are most successful when they can be as candid and honest as possible, are willing to look both expansively and inward, explore experiences and drivers that shaped who they are, and envision and role play future scenarios and conversations during the session. 

If desired, I am also happy to act as a mentor in the latter part of the session to answer the question "what would I do" but I find it most impactful if we spend most of the time helping you pressure test your thinking and go through a series of "why" questions together where there is no right answer.

When I'm not working or coaching, I'm with my wife and two sons, our dog, and two parakeets at home or on a hike in Northern California. Thanks for stopping by and here's to truth, clarity, and reaching your full potential.